Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 07:37:02 +0300 (IDT) B"H "Path Markers" Ekev: By: Yaacov Silverstein e@mail: HomePage: Year: 5759 This Weeks Dvar - Torah was prepared in the memory and merit of: My grandfather: Rav Yitzchak Zev Ben Yisroel Mordechai Hakohen Solomon Z"L Ekev: ----- Pasuk(9:15): "And Moshe turned about, and descended from the mountain." At the end of 40 days and 40 nights, Moshe received the Luchos (Tablets) from Hashem. Hashem then said to Moshe, "Arise, descend quickly from here...for they have made themselves a molten image." Rabbi Avraham J. Twerski gives a very nice explanation to this Pasuk. Moshe just finished a period of 40 days where he was close to Hashem at Har-Sinai. Moshe was certainly so uplifted for he was now about to deliver the tablets to Am Yisrael. However at this point, it was made known to him, that they had sinned. They created a molten calf. Moshe worked so hard for them, he gave all that he had, and now the moment which he waited for, was totally shattered by this disappointment. Hashem tells Moshe at this moment, descend. Rashi explains that Hashem told Moshe to descend from his status, for his high status of a spiritual leader, was only based on the status of the Bnei Yisroel. Now that they have sinned, of what need was such a great leader? In this weeks Parsha, where Moshe repeats the history of their travel to Eretz Yisroel, Moshe explains how he reacted to his initial shock. Even after the Bnei Yisroel sinned, Moshe Rabbeinu still remained the leader of the Bnei Yisroel. He descended from the mountain, but he didn't descend from his great responsibility of taking the Bnei Yisroel out of the endless pit, which they were falling into. Moshe couldn't afford to give up his status, for it was needed to pray to Hashem, to forgive the Bnei Yisroel. We see a similar case by Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon). Shlomo was banished from his throne, and the Gemarah states that "At first he ruled over the world, and later on he ruled only over his walking stick." Rav Chaim Shmulevitz explains that even though he fell a sharp decline in his status, Shlomo Hamelech still felt his sense of royalty. Shlomo's dignity and feeling of self-worth never left him, even at such hard times. At times in life, one may feel very overwhelmed, and certain circumstances in life may give a person a hard blow. This is the moment when the Yetzer Hara (Evil inclination) tries to enter through the cracks that are now open. One must never forget his purpose in life, and one must build up his courage to overcome the fall and even in the fall one can still feel good about himself. Rav Pliskin explains that a person must ask himself "Who am I?", for one's self-image, is what creates him. If a person feels lowly of himself, these feelings will prevent him from reaching his true potential in life. One must realize that he is unique. From the beginning of creation till the end, there will never be another "You". Each person has a unique nature, and they are put into unique circumstances and tests during their lifetime. It is each and everyone's mission, to reach his potential, and the only important perception of oneself, is what Hashem wants from you. "Now, O Israel, what does Hashem ask of you? Only to fear Hashem, to go in his in his ways and to love him, and to serve Hashem with all your heart and all your soul." (Pasuk 10:12) Halacha: A Beracha after beverages: -------------------------------------- This weeks Parsha mentions in Pasuk (8:10): "You will eat and you will be satisfied, and bless Hashem, your God, for the good Land that He gave you." The Gemarah in Berachos(48b) learns from this Pasuk, that one is commanded to recite Grace after Meals, whenever one eats a meal with bread and is sated. The Rabbi's teach us that one is also required to say an "After Beracha" after one eats a certain amount of any food or beverage. The "After Beracha" that one is to say after he drinks a certain amount of any beverage (accept for wine, where one says a different "After Beracha"), is called "Borei Nefoshos". I would like to discuss some laws of Borei Nefashos, which is said after drinking beverages. 1) When one eats or drinks, even a small amount, with the intent of eating or drinking, and not tasting, he is required to make a Beracha first. However, when dealing with an "After Beracha", one is only required to make it after he has eaten or drunk, a respectable amount, which can then be called eating/drinking. 2) The required amount that one must drink in order to make an "After Beracha", depends on the amount one drinks and the time span which he drinks it in, which is called "Kdei Shtias Shiur Reviis" - The amount of time it takes a person to drink the measurement of a Reviis. There are those who hold that one is allowed to take the time of "Shiur Achilas Pras", however, the majority of opinions disagree. 3) There are those who hold that one who drinks a hot beverage, such as tea or coffee, since he can't drink it fast, rather in sips, there is a disagreement amongst the Poskim if one is supposed to make an "After Beracha" in such a case. Some want to say, that since this is the way one drinks a hot beverage, the breaks in between should be ignored. However, the Minhag is not to make an "After Beracha". One may solve the problem, by leaving over a "Reviis" of his beverage in his cup, to cool down, and then drink it without a break, and thus he would be required to make an "After Beracha". In general, any beverage which one drinks in a time span which is longer than "Shiur Shtias Reviis", one does not make an "After Beracha". 4) Measurements: There are two main opinions of what these measurements are: 1st = Rav Chaim Naeh 2nd = Chazon Ish a) Reviis - 1st = 86 gram/ml / 3 ounces (86= Gematriah of "Kos") 2nd = 150 gram/ml 5.3 ounces b) Shiur Shteyas Reviis - The time it takes to drink a Reviyis. The calculation is done by timing the amount of time it takes for one to drink a Reviis in no more than two sips, with no more than one short pause in between sips. c) Shiur Achilas Pras - 4 minutes d) Kezayis - 1st = 27 gram/ml / 1 ounce 2nd = 33.3 gram/ml / 1.3 ounces 5) Summary: According to some Poskim, the Shiur for drinking a Reviis is equal to Shiur "Achilas Pras" (4 minutes). Therefore, care should be taken not to drink more than a Kezayis and less than a Reviis, in the time span of Shiur Reviis. In most cases if one sips soda with a straw, he will probably not be required to say an "After Beracha", unless he sips quickly. To end off, did you know the following: Do we make an "After Beracha" when we smell Besamim - certain natural fragrances? So the Taz answers that since the enjoyment of the smell ends right away, after one smells the fragrance, it is similar to a case of food which was already digested through ones digestive system, and thus one does not make an "After Beracha". (Taken from: Vezos Habracha, Veten Beracha, Otzar Taamei Ha'Minhagim, Artscroll Stone Edition - Chumash) ********** I would like to thank my mother (S.M.F) for helping me out by looking over the first draft. (The above Halacha is not Psak, it is there to try to help to increase ones Torah awareness, for final Psak, please consult your : Local Reliable Orthodox Rabbi.) ------- **********--------- --------***********--------